FetCI-PO 24
To weave with the theme of the last time and progress on a current subject,
2 educational proposals for this Festival:
1- CI, a way to move from fear to Love
Dance is a powerful way to explore our inner being, connect with others, and express our deepest emotions.
Fear is a fundamental emotion that results from a feeling of imminent threat or danger. It can be triggered by real or imagined situations and often causes a flight or fight response. In the context of dance, fear can be related to physical discomfort, social anxiety, fear of judgment or...
Love is such a powerful and complex emotion that it is difficult to describe in words. There is an indescribable bond that unites people. It transcends barriers and differences, creating a deep connection between hearts. It is a feeling that goes beyond appearances and judgments, embracing purity and/or unconditional acceptance.
In a world where fear and anxiety are everywhere, it is essential to find ways to reconnect with ourselves and others.
Contact Improvisation Dance is based, among other things, on mutual listening, sharing of energy and respect for each person's body.
CI is an artistic and physical practice that helps us achieve this inner transformation. By advancing in presence, listening and sharing with other participants, we gradually move from fear to Love.
CI is a form of expression that allows you to transcend emotional and physical barriers to establish a deep connection with yourself and others. In this journey, one of the keys is to move from fear to Love.
And vice versa, overcoming fear allows us to move forward in the practice of CI.
During these workshops we will see techniques for developing deep presence in our movements, improving body awareness and overcoming fears that can sometimes hinder artistic expression.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced dancer, these workshops are open to anyone who wishes to see and review the principles of CI in a creative, open and fun way.
Daring to participate in this festival is already a proof of determination.


2- Presence
Through their approaches to contact improvisation, but also texts, words, images, poetry, Céline and Matthieu invite you to areas of games and experiments that will promote :
- self-presence, “body-heart-spirit” in the world,
- shared attention nourished by neuro-scientific, philosophical and meditative approaches,
- the sharing or exchange of axes, the circulation of flows supported by somatic explorations,
- guidance by the senses and sensations, embodied anatomy (embodyment).
Presence you say!
Who says ?
Presence for me, for us, for each other.
Present to the presence, to the future!
So many directions pointing to the same momentum to infinity.
Hubert Godard says that “to touch is to fall”. We would therefore have no other choice, to touch and - be touched in return - than to fall into the world. Let's try to put it another way... There is only this reversibility, because we fall into it and we are carried towards it. Touch-touch, carry-fall. We can only be present in the world (make a world) by accepting to be deeply moved.
“It is thanks to the emergence of shared presence in the act of reciprocal relationship that we reach the ultimate.” D Bois. We discover ourselves through movement and within the relationships we build.
Presence then!
Presence at the open!
Impossible not to be touched (moved) to know?
Impossible to be outside to know? Impossible not to be concerned to feel? Could this be a “proximity distance” ?
“It is not a question of distancing oneself from things in order to be able to grasp them but, on the contrary, of trying to relate to them” (Midal, 2017)
The question of letting oneself be completely touched (to touch) is at the heart of our practices (Contact Improvisation, Alexander Technique, Perceptual Pedagogy). This presence, however, is not confusion; on the contrary, it is about assuming the distance of the other*. So where should we place the gap, the withdrawal necessary for presence? There must be a space for presence, a withdrawal, an open space from which the experience unfolds? But what withdrawal are we talking about? And where does it take place?
“And the gap, this pre-movement, it is very vain to look for it in the body, in the brain. Out, out, out. Between. Between worlds. » Carla Bottigglieri
The proposals will be informed by the Alexander Technique® and Perceptive Pedagogy®.
*Being close is not touching: the greatest proximity is to assume the distance of the other. Jean Oury

Open to all, no level required.
The workshops will be in French, with friendly translation into English, Catalan or Spanish if necessary.
In the middle of the festival we will have a day of break to enjoy…
A choice :
Swim at the beach
or in a mountain lake,
hiking in the peaks,
discover the region,
to be massaged by Léa,
It is open to children. We can study your situation, contact us: cipo@netc.fr .
subject to change

* Besoin d'un massage ?
Léa rÔm vous propose des massages adaptés à votre besoin, de 15 à 30 min, assis ou allongés, à l'huile ou à sec.
Masseuse depuis 2019, elle pourra utiliser aussi bien des techniques de massage relaxant (lomi, californien, etc.) que profond (thaï, deep tissu, etc.).
Plus d'info sur son site : www.lea-rom.com
15 min = 15 €
30 min = 25 €
Rdv le 18 juillet, de 11h à 18h30 ✨️